From recovery to reality, Georgia Jones has committed herself to helping
to rebuild lives.  She founded The Potter’s House Substance Abuse Center (TPHSAC) in 2005.

Recovery: Having survived the destruction caused by her own addictions for over sixteen years; now over 30 years later, Ms. Jones is helping to heal hundreds of others, who suffer from the same disease of substance abuse problems that she conquered.

Reality: Georgia’s non-judgmental compassion for addicts enables her to give back to Arizona’s communities by helping to heal and serve as a catalyst
of hope.
Our agency works with the Criminal Justice System.
Contact us for more information.
The Potter’s House Substance Abuse Center was established to rebuild shattered lives by providing those suffering from addiction the tools necessary to begin living a meaningful, balanced lifestyle.

It is the goal of TPHSAC to provide every client it serves the opportunity to achieve long-term sobriety and a life balance with a lasting change.

Currently, many individuals are unable to attain their highest level of health for several reasons, including social factors such as inequitable access to quality care and individual factors such as limited resoures. Lack of health equity has a significant economic and societal impact.

Eliminating health care disparities is one of the ultimate goals of advancing health equity. The Potter's House Substance Abuse Center is proud to announce that it has adopted Culturally Appropriate Services (CLAS). To eliminate health disparities, The Potter's House will create a safe and welcoming environment at every point of contact, ensure that all individuals receiving health care and services experience culturally and linguistically appropriate encounters, meet the communication needs and eliminate discrimination disparities.

By adopting CLAS, The Potter's House will be providing effective, equitable, understandable, and respectful quality care services. Individuals can be assured that disrespect or discrimination of any kind is intolerable and that reasonable assistance to overcome language, cultural, physical, or communication barriers is now available. The Potter's House is also a minority, woman owned agency. All individuals who are more comfortable with women providing their services are urged to contact the agency for services.

Strengthening the community's workforce by improving cultural competency and increasing diversity is an important part of The Potter's House Cultural Competency Plan. Our cultural competency plan is essential to meeting the health and service needs of our members.

Language assistance services available in English and Spanish.
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